Angela Brennan, 'Settle for less' (2004)
Tonight the wonderful website was launched at Bus Projects. Designed by Rob Janes with the assistance of Ziga Testen, this website explores the unstable territory of parenting and its politic.
The online component accompanies the exhibition of my own chalkboard drawings at Bus Projects to include a discussion of how care labour transgresses fields of management and governance. The contributors include Peter Tyndall, Anastasia Klose, Aurelia Guo and Angela Brennan [whom also presents an accompanying painting, in gallery 'Self-portrait (1998)] extends the conversation of parenting as a non exclusive condition, not solely occupied by a mother and/or father. A caring relationship can also be demonstrated through inclusive frameworks of animal, elderly, plant and corporation rearing. This website is the establishment of an on-going research into this stem concept.