ROOM 13 (2005) Coal Primary School, documentation of 11 year old artists' studio, courtesy of Robert Fairly and Room 13 International
UNEDUCATED group show held at Counihan Gallery, 233 Sydney Rd Brunswick, September 5th – October 5th 2014
Opening September 4th 6-8pm
Artists: Annette Krauss (N.L), Tom and Simon Bloor (U.K), Room 13 the early years (with Robert Fairley U.K), Elizabeth Newman, Antonia Sellbach, Nick Selentisch, Annabelle Kingston, Dan Arps, Lane Cormick, Peter Tyndall, Kym Maxwell, Nathan Gray, Sean Peoples, Anastasia Klose, Dr Peter Hill, DAMP and Emily Floyd.
‘Uneducated’ is an ambitious exhibition of artworks and projects that are sociological and educational in nature. It represents active forms of education in or around society, questioning knowledge, truth and the teacher / student dynamic. The exhibit explores education as a challenge to spectatorship in art reflecting on the ‘educational turn’ in contemporary art discourse (in particular, theories of Schiller, Ranciere and Rogoff) and in this way revealing what Australian artists have done, or are doing in relation to how art educates and positions audiences — contemporary European works within this field of inquiry will also be exhibited for the first time in Australia.
Artists within the exhibit represent varying vantage points of ‘knowledge and education’ as either active or passive experiences of learning. All works explore differing accessibilities of arts intellectual codes (subjective or objective) with each production (the making) a form of ‘knowing’, either kinetic or arbitrary. Through autonomous and plural positions the ‘theory of knowledge’ in regards to the ‘educational turn’ is questioned.
Opening Remarks A Constructed World
Saturday, September 13th from 2- 3:30pm: The educational philosophies of Frederick Schiller and Jacques Ranciere, a lecture by Sam Cuff Snow and Gene Flenady from Monash University and Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy.
Thursday, September 25th, 6-8pm: The role of cognition in viewing. The importance of not knowing: what the Greek Skeptics might call a suspension from certainty; or cognitive indeterminacy.– Nick Selentisch talks with Dan Arps and Peter Tyndall.
These include: Dr Courtney Pedersen —'Challenging educational norms and institutional learning: The works of Annette Krauss, Group Material and Room 13' In addition transcripts of the talk from Week 3 will be available in gallery post September 25th and online.
Emily Floyd and Kym Maxwell re-curate the exhibition with students from Collingwood College, the Reggio Emilia informed program, class 1/2 students. Re-hang from September 23rd - documentation displayed
Closing party
October 4th from 2-3pm sponsored by Counihan Gallery