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Exhibition - Opening crowds

January 10th - The INDUSTRIAL ESTATE exhibition opens!

It had been a busy three weeks! With all my attention focused on the exhibtion and event 'Industrial Estate' it has recieved some fantastic results.

The temporary exhibition within a 550 sqm fine furniture factory opened to large crowds January 10th - with performances by Julian Williams, Kiera Brew Kurec, Wet Kiss, Waterfall Person and People Person. Beer from Kooinda Brewery and foreground BBQ.

The opening night was attended by Craig Langdon, Mayor of Banyule City Council and staff from Council's Community Development office, Rob Ball and colleagues: Tony Ellwood (NGV Director) and Tom were spotted at the event, with many artists, locals and new comers to the suburb. The unlikely exhibition site was alive with a fantasitc cross-cultural turned out. It heated up to 34 degrees at 5pm, without much change at 10 pm, when we closed. I was pleased with the response and feedback about the show.